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Product Description
Sweet Clover is an extremely versatile, cool-season legume which historically was one of the most utilized green manure crops in the Midwest. We carry a biennial yellow sweet clover because of its superior winter hardiness and versatility. Sweet clover has the potential to produce up to 100 lb/A of N during the first season and 200 lb/A N over its lifespan. With sweet clovers extensive rooting system potentially penetrating down 5' into the soil profile and the ability to render P, K and other nutrients available, this makes it an excellent choice for rejuvenating poor and thin soils. This species provides valuable benefits to a wide array of wildlife species from birds to large mammals. Pollinators swarm to sweet clover during its second growing season to collect pollen from its extensive flowering period which occurs May thru August.
Sweet clover can be frost seeded or established in the fall but with fall plantings it's critical to allow for enough root development to protect against soil heaving. A shallow planting depth will be critical for successful stand establishment. Therefore, the deepest suggested planting depth should be reserved for only dry, sandy soils. If planting with a cereal nurse/cash crop apply 4-6 lbs of clover. If frostseeding into a cereal crop, apply 10 lbs before rapid stem elongation to allow enough growth before shading becomes a threat. Some producers have overseeded sweet clover into 6-18" standing corn but results can be variable, which is mostly attributed to sunlight.
Ideal Planting Time
August - September
December - March
Ideal Planting Depth
1/4 - 1"
Min Germination Temp 42(F)