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Product Description
Medium red clover (also known as double-cut)
is a short-lived perennial, 2-3 years and usually
produces 2-3 cuttings of hay
or silage per year with the most aggressive
growth in the spring. Medium red clover is an
aggressive establisher and can be
seeded alone or in mixtures with grasses, frost
or dormant seeded into an existing stand.
Medium red clover is a short-lived perennial used to supply nitrogen. Unlike other legumes, it fixes a lot of nitrogen even in high-nitrogen soils. It has shade tolerance so it can be overseeded into small grains and incorporated in May of the following year. Since red clover seedlings tend to be slow growing, it benefits from a nurse crop. It forms tap roots and is useful for remediation of compacted soils. Red clover is also good for weed suppression.
Medium red clover prefers cool weather
conditions. This crop is well-adapted a wide
range of soil types and conditions.
Medium red clover tolerates wet conditions better than vetch. It can be overseeded on small grains and if the soil is not
crusted, it can be overseeded in vegetable crops
with no additional preparation to the land.
Seeding Rate
Drill or broadcast at 10 lb/ac.
For a nurse crop, mix 2/3 annual ryegrass with 1/3 medium red clover, sow 20-25 lb/ac. After seeding, roll the ground to improve seed-to-soil contact but do not break up soil aggregates.
Seeding Date
February–March for frost seeding.
Clover can be seeded with turf grass or small grains.
Mow medium red clover during the summer of the first year. It can be seeded between established rows, reducing soil compaction in well-traveled areas.
Plant 10-20 lbs. of seed per acre, no deeper than 1/4".