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Product Description

This variety produces amazing amounts of beans, and is resilience to many diseases. Resilient to cold weather, and taking hot weather like a champ this bean produces through it all. An upcoming favorite for many gardeners as well as many small market growers. Plants produce beans in large clusters, maturing all around the same time measuring around 7 inches in length at full size. Stringless and dark green in color.
Phaseolus vulgaris
Choose well-drained soil with a pH range of 6.5–6.8. After last frost date sow seeds about 2" apart, 1" deep, in rows 20–36" apart. Optimum soil temperature for germination is 70–90°F (21–32°C). Plant when daytime soil temperatures average at least 60°F (16°C), or risk poor germination. Inoculants can increase yields. For a continuous supply, make successive sowings every 2-3 weeks through midsummer.
Plow under or remove and compost bean straw in the fall to hasten destruction of most disease organisms. For Sclerotinia spp. (white mold) control, plant at wider row spacing to promote drying of plant leaves and soil. Practice a 3-year crop rotation. All our bush bean seeds are produced in areas known to be free of halo blight.
Mexican bean beetles can be controlled with insecticides such as pyrethrin or azadarachtin.
Regularly to encourage new pod set.
Store at 40°F (5°C) and 90% relative humidity for 7–10 days
PLEASE READ THIS LIVE PRODUCT WARRANTY BEFORE ORDERING OUR SEED Seed is a live product which depends on many important related grower skills such as, proper planting time, seed depth, type of soil, irrigation, proper use of fertilizers, weed controls, fungicides, insecticides, disease free soil, and reasonable weather conditions during the growing period. These factors are totally out of the seller's control and are the growers responsibility and risk. Our seed cannot be unconditionally guaranteed to perform properly - regardless of weather conditions or the growers methods or mistakes.