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Product Description

This is for one 1 pound pack Just One Bite II Bait Bars kill warfarin-resistant Norway rats, roof rats and house mice. Rodents may consume a lethal dose in just one feeding. Just One Bite II contains bromadiolone, a second-generation anti-coagulant rodenticide that causes internal bleeding. Death is delayed 4 to 5 days, so there's no bait shyness. Individually packaged 16 oz. bars.
APPLICATION DIRECTIONS Each Just One Bite II bait bar weighs one pound and is scored to be broken into 2-oz pieces. RATS: While wearing gloves, apply two to eight 2-oz pieces of bar (or one entire BAR) at each placement location in infested areas. For burrow applications, insert one to two 2-oz pieces of bar at least six inches into each active burrow. Check treated burrows each morning and evening to make sure that baits have not been pushed out of burrows. For above ground treatment, space bait placements 15 to 30 feet apart. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for 10 days or until fresh signs of rat activity cease to appear. MICE: While wearing gloves, break bar into 2 oz. pieces and apply one 2-oz bar piece per placement in infested areas at 8 to 12 foot intervals in infested areas. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for 15 days or until fresh signs of mouse activity cease to appear. FOLLOW-UP: Replace contaminated or spoiled bait immediately. Wearing gloves, collect and dispose of all dead animals and leftover bait properly. To prevent reinfestation, eliminate sources of rodent food, water and harborage as much as possible. If reinfestation does occur, repeat treatment. Where a continuous source of infestation is present, establish permanent bait stations and replenish bait as needed.